Friday, August 7, 2009

hi there

Haven't blog about anything in awhile and to be honest i kinda keep blogging under wraps cuz i feel pretty hetero doing this haha. Anyways i just now watched "Nick&Norah's infinite playlist" and not gonna lie, i had to change my pants a couple times cuz i jizzed pretty hard. Watched it with the wifey and constatnly got distracted doing my stalker stare bwahaha, can't watch movies with that women. Anyways, i liked the movie a lot cuz it reminded me alot of my relationship and the fact that there was a band called "A Fistful of Assholes" classic haha.

Saw the homies today and it was pretty legit. Wrestled with Axl and freakin tackled him into Calvin's closet, sorry about that by the way, when i fight i turn into a blind rage tehehe :) oh put armando in a armbar and that made my day cuz of the terrible way he has been treating me lately. I should totally be doing summer projects but hey who needs an education when you got the wifey and the homies? I actually need the education cuz i need to get paid cuz im broke -_-

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just reccently watched that movie too and thought it was pretty cute. The girl kinda sorta scares me though ..
