Sunday, July 12, 2009

Future is spooky

So I hardly blog because i feel a bit of my masculinity fade away with every blog that is posted but hey i also naired my body so i can't really be all that manly right now haha. Anyways, i was watching the scrubs finale on my laptop and im not gonna lie, got pretty sad after it. I watched that show since 6th grade and i've always wanted a friendship like J.D and Turk, it's sooo homo but yet so beautiful tehehe.

Finally got to hangout with the homies yesterday at xaviers and it was really cool to see those familiar faces even though i spent most of the time either playing ping pong or me and ballsworth kicking calving and armando ass at top spin 3. Afterwards hung out with the girlfriend and we talked about the whole college thing and really sucks talking about that crap, but furthermore i came to the conclusion that you gotta go with the flow, don't fight the inevitable but rather accept it and grow to enjoy it. Bah relationships make me become a softie :)

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