Monday, March 16, 2009

School's score is not my score

it kinda sucks when the everyone on the team is kicking ass and im over here losing. Kinda been neglecting the blogspot cuz im tired of reading and writing emo crap. I mean some people write about great days while most of us write about hella homework, to stop procrastianting, and how we dislike things. Or some are hella happy with life and they make all the regular people seem like shit. So as i am listening to techno and singing songs in my robotic voice, i think about how life can be kinda fruity in the booty but at other times it can pretty legit. Spring break is coming up, get to see some titties on TV, we are young and we gotta enjoy these precious two years before we go to college. By the way, i gotta pull a win tomorrow, and i swear if i lose ima punch calvin soooo freakin hard (: