Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How's the reputation now?

Losing sucks very very very big balls. Especially when you could have won.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Maybe Romero should Relax"

School was just regular school, don't really gotta write much about it. Same old Same old. except for two dumb cunts that stomped my backpack for no reason. Wasn't really that butthurt about the calculator just that they fucked with it for no reason but hey such is life and tough bananas. After school went to tennis practice and got my first challenge as number 1 against Jerry. It was a pretty intense match and definitely knocked the poop out of me. I did a yell "Come'on" after i won a important point and Hill was like "Romero needs to relax" and i was like "No you relax dumb cunt whore."

Yea randomly some band dudes came and tried to beat up some guy on the team. And you know the random guy who doesn't do anything till the people leave and then talk shit and act hard. hahaha well that was me (: i am too handsome and hairy to be getting into fights.

It is weird to have something that you have wanted for awhile. At first you appriciate it and then you begin to lose the importance behind it. One thing i almost realize from altercation on the tennis courts was that when you don't know the full story you don't know shit. And if you thing something is fucked up, put yourself in the other persons shoes and really think. i think this random quote sums it up "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

slapped with a glove

I love how these days "drama" and arguing occurs on myspaces and blogspots. What happened to the good old days when somebody was slapped with a glove and challenged to a dual? Or at least arguin face to face and let their emotions out. What sucks the most about "Drama" is the neutral people who have friends on both sides.

Either way you get screwed. If you go on one side, the other friend gets mad, if you go on their side the other gets mad. If you stay neutral then you don't have "anybody's back", so i think it is best to just walk away from it. If you got a problem solve it. By the way i hate how everyone calls arguments "drama".

When i think of "drama" i think of teen soap opreas like degrassi. We are getting too old for this crap. By the way, one thing i have learned is that people easily forget the good times and good things that have happended with friends but find it hard to let go of the bad things that have happened.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The three amigos

Alex Jarmin i hope you are happy that i finally made up a blog.... I'm very tempted to just delete it again but im not (: anyways, alex and nick were writting shit about each other and then giving compliments so hey i wanna to get in on the action.

Being friends with Nick is like getting raped by a priest, you get something totally different that what you expected and at times it isn't what you want but you get it anyway. All homo he is the guy that i have spent the most time on the phone with. I have talked to that fucker about Eminem raps to girls that look good in Conformation and everything in between. He has so many different personalities and levels of depthness that every conversation is different and unexpected. Even though we hated each other for a long period of time and we still from time to time, he is homie.

Being friends with alex is like going to a titty bar, you feel shitty when you enter and you leave with a smile. I have talked to alex in countless occasions from girl problems involving dumb cunts or girls wanting to smash my car. She has always been there to make me laugh and i give her a bunch of bullshit but she still calls me her breast friend. Alex is a prime example of what a best friend should be because she will tell you her honest opinion, she always tries to look at things from your perspective, and she thinks just as crazy as i do. These two of my closest friend are the balls.